TICS Client Configuration Dialog
For the TICS client, the option exists to have the configuration done via a
graphical user interface rather than passing extra options on the command line.
This graphical user interface is reachable via multiple ways:
- It can be opened in a command-line window by the command
- If in Windows, you can open it via the Start Menu in
TIOBE => TICS Client Configuration
- If working from an IDE with TICS, there should be a toolbar icon
TICS Rule and Options Configuration
in the IDE that opens it.
Note that TICSConfig will store settings persistently on disk.
- Windows:
- Linux:
Subsequent runs will take these settings into account.
This should then show the following dialog:
The Rules tab: specify which violations to show.
The rules are categorized by language and by level. Rules can be
switched on and off per level or individually. If a rule has been
switched off it is not shown anymore in the output window.
Note that hidden violations are still detected and being
used for statistical overviews. You can right-click on a rule for
its documentation. The settings specified by the user are saved in
the HIDDEN.txt file.
The tab General Options provides general TICS options.
The tab Analyzer Options provides options for the
TICS analyzer.
Also in the Analyzer Options tab, one can specify the
location of Code Coverage result files (in case one of the Code
Coverage metrics is enabled).