TICS 2023.2.0 – 2023-03-10

TiCS 2023.2.0 Highlights

Client Viewer support for Code Duplication annotations
It is now possible to view your changes on code duplication in the Annotated Source of the TICS Viewer, when using TICS Client. Simply run TICS Client for Code Duplication and your changes can be compared to the reference run.

Duplication measurement per code type
Before, it was not possible to distinguish code duplication between code types (Production, Generated, Test Code, External/Third party code). Now duplications are only calculated for files of the same code type, which results in a fairer score of the TQI Code duplication metric.

Added logarithmic scale option to chart axes
For some charts, when values have a wide spreading, a logarithmic scale is a very convenient way to visualize data. Therefore, we have added the capability to change axis scaling to logarithmic for scatter plots.

Change list

This release contains the following major improvements.

31738 [Viewer] Added Client Viewer support for Code Duplication annotations.
27807 [TICSQServer] Split-off different code types in Duplicated Code.
26950 [Viewer] Added logarithmic scale option to chart axes.
31814 [Coding Standards] Added rule help for Python.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

31922 31910 31866 31864 31862 31853 31849 31813 31781 31746 31744 31711 31688 31685 31674 31666 31632 31478 31329 31295 31212 30908 30907 30861 30633 30237 28934 28829 28261 26935 24001 23922 23545 22347 17834 14338

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2023.1.0 – 2023-01-25

TiCS 2023.1.0 Highlights

TQI 4.13: More strict TQI score for Security
Until TQI 4.12, the TQI score definition for Security is quite relaxed: the average Security score of all TIOBE customers is almost 98%. This is in contrast with the fact that Security is getting more and more important and Security code checkers are getting better (less false positives and false negatives). Hence, the need for a stricter score. The strict TQI formula for Compiler Warnings has been adopted for Security now as well. You can read the full TQI definition here.

Black Duck support
You can now import your Black Duck Security findings into TiCS as part of the Security Metric. Black Duck is a compositional analysis tool that collects findings of open source, third-party, and proprietary software components used to build applications and containers.

C++Test 2022.2 support
The upgraded code checker from Parasoft comes with support for more compilers, bugfixes and new rules. See C++Test 2022.2 Updates for more information.

Security updates:

Change list

This release contains the following major improvements.

31471 [Installer] Updated TICS Installer to CppTest 2022.2.0.
31459 [Installer] Updated Tomcat9 version to 9.0.70 to solve vulnerability CVE-2022-42252.
31353 [Viewer] Updated version of Apache commons-text to 1.10.0 to solve vulnerability CVE-2022-42889.
31177 [Viewer] Added support for TQI version 4.13.
30362 [TICS CC Integration] Added Black Duck support.
27304 [Viewer] Added support for TQI version 4.8.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

31578 31548 31538 31537 31494 31490 31483 31445 31378 31367 31247 31220 24050

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TiCS 2022.4.0 – 2022-12-01

TiCS 2022.4.0 Highlights

  • Artifacts such as code checkers, can now be served from external Artifact Repositories like Nexus or JFrog Artifactory.
  • Support multiple different Artifact Repositories at once.
  • Platform detection makes sure compatible artifacts are used with the TiCS analysis automatically, rather than relying on configuration.

Change list

This release contains the following major improvements.

31208 [TICSQServer] Allowed TICS to make use of absolute URL's and authorizations passed by the viewer.
31207 [Wrapper] Added support for absolute URLs.
31206 [Viewer] Added support for configuring (external) Artifact Repositories.
31190 [Viewer] The Quality Gate details links for a failing condition now opens the Diff View in the Annotated Source when it concerns a relative metric.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

31368 31361 31322 31289 31282 31249 31222 31221 31218 31178 31175 31174 31168 31159 31148 31137 31133 31125 31112 31082 31069 31058 31029 30996 30975 30917 30883 30667 30662 30525 30362 30080 29989 29536 29499 29360 28999 28449 28357 28089 28088 28087 27479 26812 25503

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TiCS 2022.3.0 – 2022-09-30

TiCS 2022.3.0 Highlights

  • GitHub plugin improvements and marketplace presence.
  • Visual Studio Plugin automates TiCS Client installation. Compatible with Visual Studio 2015 - 2022.
  • TiCS Viewer shows newly introduced violations for a given period. Not to be confused with the delta (introduced - resolved).
  • TQI 4.7: Code Duplication metric is now based on tokens rather than lines of code (LOC) and requires CPD 6.49.0.
  • New Coding Standard Viewer, available at https://csviewer.tiobe.com/

Analyzer updates

  • C++Test 2022.1.0.
  • PMD/CPD 6.49.0.
  • DutchPickle 46457.
  • dotTest 2022.1.2.
  • JTest 2022.1.0.
  • TICSc 47486
  • TICSpp 47193.

Change list

This release contains the following major improvements.

30696 [Addin-GitHub] Publish TICS Github plugin to the Github marketplace.
30080 [Addin-Visual Studio] Visual Studio Plugin installs TiCS client by itself.
30126 [Viewer] Added Introduced and Solved Violation Count metrics.
25970 [Addin-Visual Studio] Dropped support for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013.
27359 [TICSQServer] Added possibility to separate header files by language.
25896 [TICSQServer] Improved handling of encoding for file paths and file contents.
24012 [TQI] Add support for code duplication metric based on tokens instead of LOC (TQI 4.7).

This release contains the following minor improvements.

30996 30990 30968 30948 30930 30918 30917 30910 30900 30891 30866 30813 30792 30786 30763 30728 30724 30719 30708 30702 30701 30691 30635 30607 30592 30579 30547 30506 30494 30468 30457 30454 30414 30394 30381 30380 30362 30253 30126 30011 29560 29031 27359 26190 25970 25896 25849 24816 24815 23781

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TiCS 2022.2.0 – 2022-07-08

TiCS 2022.2.0 Highlights

  • TiCS Viewer now retrieves artifacts from the TIOBE registry automatically.
  • TiCS Client runs metrics as specified in the quality gate when calculating "-GATE".
  • TiCS Client allows to specify wich metrics are run when calculating "-FAST".
  • TiCS provides support for C# 8.0.
  • Analyzer updates.
    • Coverity 2022.6.
    • ESLint 8.18.0.
    • PMD/CPD 6.47.0.
    • TypeScript Compiler 4.7.4.
    • TypeScript-ESLint 5.30.0.

This release contains the following major improvements.

30259 [Viewer] Add functionality to TiCS Viewer to download artifacts.
30176 [TICS Analyzer Configuration] Made the file creation feature in the config editor more flexible.
30034 [Viewer] Generic Metrics: Propagate repurposed metric's new name to annotated source.
29304 [Viewer] Quality Gate conditions can now make use of a Filter Set, which allows you to restrict the condition to a specific Language, Code Type, and/or Time Window.
28584 [TICS CC Integration] Excluded Java annotations and C# attributes from code duplication.
28471 [TICS Client] Added GATE option to the TICS Client, matching the configured quality gates.
28362 [TICS Client] Added possibility of -calc FAST for the TICS Client.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

30550 30544 30533 30530 30494 30488 30482 30478 30450 30448 30408 30406 30402 30377 30374 30363 30355 30346 30344 30301 30298 30297 30286 30283 30280 30279 30276 30242 30224 30127 30111 30098 30075 30038 30028 29960 29926 29913 29884 29882 29878 29771 29691 29477 29319 29258 28662 28406 28284 28244 27988 27664 27288 27126 26722 25846 25700 23785 22642 3105

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2022.1.0 – 2022-04-26

TICS 2022.1.0 Highlights

  • TICS Client can now run Abstract Interpretation and Security metrics, including Coverity
  • TICS Viewer is now more secure by default and includes an onboarding dialog for basic configuration
  • TICS Wrappers can now be updated through the TICS Viewer
  • Analyzer updates
    • Coverity 2022.3
    • ESLint 8.13.0
    • TypeScript Compiler 4.6.3
    • TypeScript-ESLint 5.19.0

This release contains the following major improvements.

30209 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added support for IntelliJ 2022.1.
29481 [Wrapper] Added self-updating functionality.
29064 [Viewer] Added an onboarding dialog that is shown when accessing the viewer after a fresh installation to ask the user for some required settings.
28490 [Viewer] Added GET API /api/public/v1/QualityGate that allows you to retrieve information about quality gates (but not its status).
28068 [TICS Client] Enabled Abstract Interpretation and Security metrics for TICS Client.
27682 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for configuring multiple Coverity data sources.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

30280 30250 30243 30227 30203 30201 30200 30194 30190 30188 30184 30175 30173 30128 30124 30109 30101 30091 30089 30086 30076 30075 30072 30071 30069 30056 30049 30030 30018 30014 30010 30003 30000 29975 29958 29949 29930 29929 29901 29876 29874 29847 29834 29825 29813 29801 29782 29772 29740 29729 29675 29646 29611 29600 29577 29553 29489 29378 29332 29199 28962 28811 28612 28610 28193 28171 27779 27665 27103 26766 25569 25301 23309 22480 21402

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2021.4.1 – 2022-04-08

This release contains the following major improvements.

30055 [Addin-Visual Studio] Added Visual Studio 2022 support to the Visual Studio plugin.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

30132 30119 30090 30088 30050 30023 29994 29963 29952 29946 29940 29932 29921 29905 29883 29881 29871 29857 29845 29837 29828 29808 29784 29694 29617 29343 29281 27499

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2021.4.0 – 2022-01-28

TICS 2021.4.0 Highlights

  • TICS can now be fully installed through the TICS Viewer.
  • Custom Quality Indicators can now be created in addition to the TQI.
  • Analyzer updates
    • Parasoft 2021.2
    • Coverity 2021.12
    • ESLint 8.5.0
    • TypeScript Compiler 4.5.4
    • TypeScript-ESLint 5.8.0

This release contains the following major improvements.

29392 [TICSQServer] Improved behaviour of TICS analyses when the connection to the TICS Viewer is unstable.
29209 [TICS CC Integration] Updated Parasoft tooling shipped by TICS to 2021.2.x.
29034 [TICS Viewer] Added ability to install the TICS Wrapper through a script that is provided by the TICS Viewer.
28668 [Viewer] Added ability to create a custom Quality Indicator and add corresponding label to the Dashboard.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

29754 29728 29693 29671 29669 29668 29651 29636 29633 29629 29605 29590 29561 29552 29542 29520 29516 29503 29498 29491 29486 29461 29449 29421 29406 29400 29394 29385 29367 29350 29344 29340 29337 29333 29327 29318 29295 29278 29276 29273 29266 29265 29263 29260 29255 29253 29242 29239 29238 29232 29220 29217 29207 29206 29196 29185 29184 29182 29168 29151 29148 29146 29128 29125 29106 29105 29104 29089 29009 28995 28897 28857 28769 28551 28511 28270 27938 27776 27344 26746 26210 25675 24351 24171 22919 22343 22216 19960

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2021.3.0 – 2021-11-01

TICS 2021.3.0 Highlights

  • New deployment architecture that does not require a network share, to make cloud deployments easier and more secure.
  • New client-side caching mechanism for improved performance.
  • Analyzer updates
    • Coverity 2021.06
    • PC-Lint with MISRA-2012

This release contains the following major improvements.

28764 [AnnotatedSource] Fixed syntax highlighter to highlight all new keywords of newer versions of JavaScript and TypeScript.
28639 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added support for IntelliJ 2021.2.
28603 [Viewer] Added a new permission 'viewSourceCode' that allows you to control who can view source code.
28564 [TICS CC Integration] Added support to disable Coverity Trace Details.
28115 [TICS CC Integration] Added support to dynamically create Coverity Connect project/stream.
28070 [TICS Core] Introduced data communication over HTTP(S).
20917 [TICS Core] Added possibility to provide FileServer artifacts over HTTP(s).

This release contains the following minor improvements.

29125 29082 29023 29007 28910 28826 28757 28750 28716 28710 28700 28696 28665 28635 28615 28582 28577 28555 28548 28536 28535 28533 28525 28505 28502 28501 28487 28483 28481 28468 28465 28464 28455 28453 28450 28439 28438 28420 28408 28395 28382 28364 28329 28276 28239 28158 28133 28084 27973 27754 27093 26159 25871 24642 23058

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2021.2.0 – 2021-07-01

TICS 2021.2.0 Highlights

  • NPath Complexity for C, C#, TypeScript and JavaScript.
  • Quality Gate Subscription mechanism.
  • TQI version 4.6.
  • Analyzer updates
    • Parasoft CppTest 2021.1
    • Parasoft jTest 2021.1
    • Parasoft dotTest 2021.1
    • Eslint 7.28.0
    • Eslint-typescript 4.28.0
    • TypeScript 4.3.4
    • Cppcheck 2.4.1

This release contains the following major improvements.

28132 [Installer] Upgraded out-of-the-box CppTest version to 2021.1.
28095 [TICSMigrate] Introduced configuration migration to update PORTALURL.
28059 [TICSConfig] Added input field for Code Coverage result directory.
28031 [TICSQServer] Updated supported TQI version to 4.6.
27999 [Installer] Upgraded out-of-the-box dotTest to 2021.1.
27998 [Installer] Upgraded out-of-the-box Jtest to 2021.1.
26937 [TICSQServer] Added NPath Complexity metric for C, C#, TypeScript and JavaScript.
25969 [TICS Client] Improved TICS to deal with extended checkouts from SCM tools.
22872 [TICSQServer] Made TQIVERSION a mandatory configuration property.
19371 [Viewer] Added Quality Gate Subscription mechanism, which allows you to be notified by email when a quality gate fails.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

28451 28441 28440 28389 28383 28367 28348 28343 28336 28331 28316 28313 28302 28286 28281 28263 28251 28246 28241 28233 28226 28220 28219 28217 28201 28197 28191 28190 28180 28169 28165 28159 28124 28123 28117 28093 28092 28086 28079 28078 28076 28074 28066 28063 28058 28047 28041 28013 27980 27945 27932 27884 27863 27837 27725 27690 27477 27432 27319 26946 26936 26934 26904 26887 23237 21894 21642 19064

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2021.1.0 – 2021-05-05

TICS 2021.1.0 Highlights

  • Client quality gating and client viewer functionality.
  • Soak time for new rules on blocking levels.
  • Cloud security via viewer authentication tokens.
  • Analyzer updates
    • Coverity 2020.12, 2021.03
    • Eslint v7.23.0
    • PMD 6.23.0
    • Parasoft dotTest 2020.2.1
    • Typescript compiler v4.2.3
    • Typescript-eslint v4.20.0
  • Plugin compatibility updates
    • Eclipse plugin requires Java 8 or higher

This release contains the following major improvements.

27905 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added support for IntelliJ 2021.1.
27802 [TICS Client] Improved algorithm for selecting correct source file when headers are provided to the client.
27790 [TICSMaintenance] Added option to make a database backup with TICSMaintenance.
27726 [TICS Documentation] Added an explanation about Security metric in TICS documentation.
27529 [Viewer] Changed the default option for autoSelect field in the LabelRules API from true to false.
27292 [TICS CC Integration] Added warning when column information for code duplication is missing due to an old version of CPD.
27251 [TICSQServer] Added logging of fetching query result rows from database.
27246 [TICS Client] Added client quality gating and client viewer functionality.
27123 [TICS CC Integration] Updated the Coverity integration to support Commit Over HTTPS using ----url.
27109 [TICS CC Integration] Changed the cov-analyze option used to get the Coverity version to avoid misleading ERROR reported in the TICS log.
26984 [TICSQServer] Added timestamp for each "Analyzing [...]" output line.
26959 [AdministrationPage] Introduce fine-grained permission for 'managing common presets'.
26938 [TICSQServer] Introduced HIS features in TICS 2021.1.
26568 [AdministrationPages] Made it possible to select more than 1 LDAP query in an authorization rule.
26165 [TICSQServer] Added milliseconds to timestamps (in LOG and INFO output).
25488 [AdministrationPages] Introduced 'QA Manager' role for managing quality gates.
25456 [TICSQServer] Made -branchname mandatory in case of more than one active branch for the project.
25374 [TICS Client] Added possibility to use custom code duplication from the client.
25299 [TICS Client] Implemented soak time.
24670 [Viewer] Introduced Authentication Tokens that allow a client process to authenticate without the need to provide actual user credentials.
21842 [TICSQServer] Made -branchname mandatory in case of more than one active branch for the project.
19544 [TICS Client] Added BLOCKING to blocking violation messages.
14444 [TICS CC Integration] Added configurable timeouts for all Parasoft xTest tools.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

28060 28058 28048 28038 28029 28028 28014 27995 27993 27841 27838 27837 27833 27791 27723 27713 27684 27679 27674 27657 27654 27641 27549 27547 27537 27535 27531 27530 27528 27524 27523 27504 27458 27437 27434 27431 27430 27428 27427 27423 27419 27418 27417 27416 27415 27388 27385 27378 27355 27294 27279 27268 27261 27247 27244 27235 27201 27150 27113 27092 27056 26986 26918 26628 25955 25922 25693 25380 25181 25139 24880 24805 24789 23450 22440 22167 21429 21358 20464 19963 19614 19517 19361 16678

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2020.4.2 – 2021-04-21

This release contains the following major improvements.

27793 [Addin-Visual Studio] Visual Studio plugin now works with DutchPickle.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

27978 27977 27915 27886 27864 27861 27843 27814 27721 27708 27676 27638 27623 27580 27568 27563 27561 27187 24573

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2020.4.1 – 2021-02-11

This release contains the following major improvements.

27345 [TICS Core] Accepted proxy settings via http_proxy environment variable.
27313 [TICSQServer] Allowed files with External Code Type to be analyzed.
27262 [Installer] Upgraded default dotTest version for TICS 2020.4 to dotTest version 2020.2.1.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

27550 27536 27515 27497 27492 27465 27413 27393 27377 27374 27370 27356 27347 27340 27316 27287 27276 27275 27250 27182 27175 26092

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2020.4.0 – 2020-12-18

TICS 2020.4.0 Highlights

  • Showing resolved violations with respect to the previous analysis.
  • Support for Azure Active Directory as an authentication provider.
  • Tool versions in the viewer.
  • Updated to Firebird 2.5.9 64 bit.
  • Updated to PHP 7.4.12.
  • New: Atlassian Bamboo plugin.
  • Abbreviated metric names.
  • Many usability improvements.
  • Analyzer updates
    • Coverity 2020.09
    • ESLint 7.14.0
    • Parasoft 2020.2
    • PMD 6.30.0
    • TypeScript Compiler 4.1.2
    • Typescript-Eslint 4.8.0
  • Plugin compatibility updates
    • Intellij 2020.3

This release contains the following major improvements.

27088 [Wrapper] Allowed updating of TICSBuildServer.jar while TICSBuildServer is running.
27073 [TICS Core] Improved logging and error reporting for Firebird default values and configuration properties.
27032 [TICS CC Integration] Updated tsc integration to accept language-dependent options from meta-info.
26973 [TICS Build Integration] Added a step in MSBuildv2 that logs the preprocessed file of .csproj files to the tmpdir.
26966 [Installer] Changed out-of-the-box Firebird installation to x64 for Windows.
26901 [TICSQServer] Implemented sending error mails when the command line invocation has problems.
26854 [TICSQServer] Added start and end dates for tool versions.
26849 [Installer] Upgraded dotTest version shipped by the TICS installer to 2020.2.
26782 [TICS Core] Enabled logging of warnings even when -nowarn is in effect.
26754 [TICS CC Integration] Added Go to supported languages list for Coverity.
26735 [TICS Client] Suppressed metainfo warning noise in case of badly set TICSCHKPATH.
26732 [TICS Client] Improved handling and reporting of early startup failures.
26647 [TICSQServer] Introduced shorthand notation for common -calc steps.
26598 [TICSQServer] Improved exception handling for unwritable SERVER.txt.
26585 [Viewer] Made it possible to use Azure Active Directory as an authentication provider.
26502 [TICS Core] Made it possible to place CanonicalPath.pm in an INCDIRS specified location (instead of cfg directory).
26206 [TICS Client] Fixed the TICS Client to no longer write to the database in the case of finding either a new tool or a new tool version.
26193 [TICS Client] Added quality gating for the TICS Client.
25869 [Addin-VSCode] Fixed analysis on file when not in focus. Added analyze file context menu.
25668 [TICS CC Integration] Added a deprecation message in case bin/TICSpp is used instead of chk/TICScyclox/TICSpp for Cyclomatic Complexity analysis.
25433 [TICS CC Integration] Removed obsolete functionality for passing a -vs switch to dotTest based on a Visual Studio 2010 solution file.
25254 [TICSQServer] Made sure production header files are analyzed with production source files.
25233 [TICSQServer] Removed option -allprojects.
24768 [Installer] Added common C# Test Code conventions to out-of-the-box ARCHIVE_ALLPROJECTS.txt.
24362 [Addins-Bamboo] Created the TICS Atlassian Bamboo plugin first version.
24118 [Viewer] Now supporting branch names containing forward slashes.
24052 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for JAVA_HOME when calculating Java Compiler Warnings.
23541 [Installer] Updated to PHP 7.
23116 [TICS Client] Added option to report on resolved violations for both the client and TICSQServer.
22187 [TICSQServer] Enabled sending error mail in case of license failure.
20526 [TICSQServer] Introduced abbreviations for metric names.
19617 [TICSQServer] Changed warnings to log messages for Code Coverage.
19443 [TICSQServer] Introduced metric type alias CYCLOMATICCOMPLEXITY.
17798 [Viewer] Added Tool-related metrics to the metric picker, which allows you to inspect the tools (and their versions) that were used for analysis.
11154 [AnnotatedSource] Added tool (version) information to the Annotated Source.
8648 [TICSQServer] Fixed only sending error mails once to the same recipient.
4988 [TICS Core] Made insufficient permissions to copy configuration files non-fatal.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

27218 27213 27206 27205 27204 27203 27193 27192 27189 27181 27176 27164 27161 27156 27115 27110 27105 27099 27069 27067 27066 27057 27055 27054 27030 27020 27007 26988 26980 26976 26975 26971 26948 26939 26932 26929 26928 26926 26900 26885 26881 26859 26850 26848 26836 26835 26832 26827 26826 26825 26822 26816 26815 26811 26791 26787 26759 26753 26752 26743 26741 26726 26725 26721 26720 26708 26701 26700 26676 26675 26642 26636 26622 26606 26593 26548 26511 26485 26383 26224 26221 26115 25997 25965 25581 25577 25513 25509 25140 25124 24704 24672 24466 24439 24031 23717 23563 23246 22924 22552 22192 21820 21456 21399 21303 21294 18263 10149

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2020.3.0 – 2020-10-02

TICS 2020.3.0 Highlights

  • Bugfixes
  • Performance improvements: Trends, Coverity, Cobertura
  • Coverity API v9 support
  • Bandit Security tool for Python
  • Actionable annotations (aka issues)
  • Improved Baseline management
  • Custom Notifications in the viewer

This release contains the following major improvements.

26370 [TICS CC Integration] Changed Fan Out for Dart.
26263 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added support for IntelliJ 2020.2.
26231 [Trend] Now subsampling trend line when it has too many runs, to improve performance.
26130 [TICS CC Integration] Improved the Coverity's error reporting mechanism by scanning for error messages from Cov-build and reporting it.
26123 [TICS CC Integration] Updated the eslint integration to ignore inline rule configuration comments; by adding --no-inline-config when invoking eslint.
26100 [TICS CC Integration] Updated the Coverity integration to support Coverity API v9, including the removal of sub checkers.
25972 [TICSMaintenance] Added option -detach to disconnect other processes from the project database.
25855 [TICS CC Integration] Created an integration for Bandit as a Security tool for Python.
25825 [TqiLabel] Now showing Quality Indicator sub-metric values and weights when hovering the QI scores.
25798 [Installer] Removed 'stdafx.h' from the default ARCHIVE exclusion list.
25777 [TICS Core] TICS now supports long paths (260+ characters) on Windows.
25721 [Viewer] Added 'Manage Baselines' dialog that allows you to add/change/delete baselines outside of BuildConfig.
25383 [TICS TC Integration] Improved performance of Cobertura Code Coverage.
25008 [AnnotatedSource] It is now easier to select multiple metrics, or filter on a range of levels/categories/rules, by holding the Shift key.
24650 [TICS CC Integration] Created a mechanism to map Coverity sub checkers to handle removed sub checker suppressions in TICS.
24587 [AnnotatedSource] Improved displaying of the file path.
24244 [Viewer] Added option to the path-tree background context menu that allows you to export a list of groups and containing projects to a CSV file.
24114 [TICS CC Integration] Refactored the Coverity integration to get all issues/defects from a Coverity project/stream in bulk and introduced a new configuration option to allow to reuse Coverity's intermediate dir (Performance improvement measures).
23240 [TqiLabel] Now indicating the scope in the TQI Label in terms of filters, instead of listing the individual projects.
23158 [Viewer] Now indicating the reason why there are no runs to choose from in the 'Add Baseline' panel.
22800 [Viewer] Added context menu to the path tree component.
21978 [AnnotatedSource] Added Annotation Kind filter that allows you to show only the actionable annotations, also known as 'issues'.
21073 [Viewer] Added 'File Existence' filter that can be used to hide directories and files that actually no longer exist, but are shown because a metric is selected that considers deleted files (namely change rate and fix rate metrics).
19336 [Viewer] Added Custom Notifications.
12263 [TICSQServer] Reworked handling of the source/header include relations.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

26672 26669 26638 26629 26616 26612 26605 26601 26600 26589 26581 26580 26579 26574 26561 26557 26541 26538 26514 26488 26358 26318 26278 26250 26228 26223 26215 26211 26209 26185 26179 26178 26163 26158 26156 26145 26143 26137 26110 26103 26102 26090 26074 26062 26058 26031 26014 26005 26000 25994 25943 25859 25858 25856 25787 25763 25698 25690 25654 25459 25434 25311 25087 25067 24994 24993 24800 24797 24727 23652 22907 22656 22257 22166 21553 21535 19547 17626

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2020.2.0 – 2020-06-26

TICS 2020.2.0 Highlights

  • Showing start and end columns for Code Duplication.
  • Improved violation trace visualization.
  • Support for JavaScript Compiler Warnings with TSC.
  • Support for TypeScript Coding Standard with typescript-eslint.
  • Cyclomatic Complexity support for ES6.
  • 64 bit executables for TICS File Server executables on Windows.
  • Tomcat version with latest security patches.
  • Analyzer updates
    • Coverity 2020.3
    • ESLint 7.2.0
    • typescript-eslint 3.2.0
    • Parasoft 2020.1
    • PMD 6.24
    • TypeScript Compiler 3.9

This release contains the following major improvements.

25717 [IDEVSCode] Added documentation for VSCode Silent Installation.
25660 [TICS CC Integration] Upgraded Parasoft tooling (CppTest, dotTest, Jtest) to version 2020.1.0.
25540 [Addin-VSCode] Added plugin buttons and added publish step.
25479 [TICS CC Integration] Added the option to configure Authentication Key File for Coverity and being able to use that instead of a Password.
25388 [TICS CC Integration] Replaced tslint by typescript-eslint for TypeScript Coding Standard.
25384 [Viewer] Added 'File Path' column when exporting to CSV from Explorer or Violations Dashboard and grouping by File or Subsystem.
25240 [TICS CC Integration] Added Kotlin in the list of supported languages in Coverity.
25237 [TICS CC Integration] Added Support for detail traces for Coverity violation tracing.
25211 [TICS TC Integration] Reworked ncover1 integration to use new file matching and TICS annotations.
25162 [TICS Core] Replaced ActivePerl 5.20 and PDK by (Strawberry) Perl 5.30 and PAR Packer.
25106 [TICS CC Integration] Updated TICSAnalyzereslint to give language specific waring by removing hard-coded cfg file name.
24847 [TICS CC Integration] Made Python rules customizable via IMPL.txt (pylintrc).
24843 [AnnotatedSource] Improved violation trace visualization.
24786 [AnnotatedSource] Now showing start and end column for duplicated code annotations.
24453 [TICS Build Integration] Improved MSBuild v2 integration to handle more situations and code types.
23930 [TICS CC Integration] Added dynamic-ruleset support for Python (pylint).
20965 [TICS CC Integration] Added the possibility to configure timeout for Coverity system calls.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

26047 26041 26034 26033 26013 26001 25998 25996 25992 25984 25983 25981 25979 25978 25958 25957 25948 25947 25929 25928 25921 25918 25916 25912 25909 25902 25899 25898 25885 25877 25864 25841 25818 25806 25794 25789 25783 25780 25773 25769 25749 25743 25730 25727 25719 25701 25689 25667 25664 25663 25662 25634 25632 25625 25624 25622 25574 25566 25564 25554 25548 25545 25544 25539 25537 25526 25519 25517 25502 25495 25487 25485 25474 25468 25466 25465 25420 25411 25410 25408 25387 25386 25382 25381 25370 25361 25357 25326 25317 25315 25284 25272 25256 25232 25222 25183 25161 25153 25148 25141 24958 24792 24735 24659 23879 23021 21531 20245 20203 20118 20048 19523 19105 18462 5184

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2020.1.1 – 2020-06-29

This release contains the following minor improvements.

26047 26034 26001 25981 25948 25928 25918 25916 25885 25877 25841 25827 25794 25789 25783 25780 25769 25749 25730 25719 25701 25689 25667 25664 25634 25622 25574 25564 25544 25539 25537 25526 25519 25517 25487 25485 25474 25411 25408 25386 25381 25361 25326 25284 25272 25153 25148 24735 21531

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2020.1.0 – 2020-03-30

TICS 2020.1.0 Highlights

  • Support for Quality Gates.
  • Azure DevOps and Jenkins plugins for Quality Gates.
  • Visual Studio Code plugin.
  • Support for ESLint 6.0.
  • Intra-project Labels in the Viewer.
  • 64 bit executables for TICS wrappers, TICSc and TICSpp.
  • Tomcat version with latest security patches.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

25168 [Installer] Disabled unused AJP connector in Tomcat configuration.
24961 [TICS CC Integration] Version reporting between PMD and CPD is now consistent.
24782 [Installer] Upgraded Tomcat to version 7.0.100.
24766 [Installer] Updated the default configuration in installTICS/ARCHIVE_ALLPROJECTS.txt TEST/ARCHIVE_ALLPROJECTS.txt to mark spec.ts/js as test code.
24541 [WebAPI] Made it easier to retrieve data for all runs (for a certain period when desired) using the Run filter.
24461 [Viewer] Added ability to assign Labels to directories, which provides a more powerful and flexible alternative to the ORG view functionality.
24224 [TICS CC Integration] Added violation tracing support for Coverity.
23444 [TICS CC Integration] Added Coverity license expiration information in TICS version output.
23434 [Azure Plugin] Implemented Quality Gate plugin task for Azure DevOps pipelines.
23361 [TICS CC Integration] Modified the eslint integration to support the latest (eslint v 6.0.0 and later).
23269 [TICSQServer] Added custom code duplication metric that runs with a user-configured number of tokens.
22901 [Viewer] Added functionality that automatically navigates into subsystems without siblings, when clicking on an item in the metric table.
22892 [VSCode Plugin] Implemented TICS Visual Studio Code plugin.
22269 [TICS CC Integration] Prepared to support TypeScript Coding Standards with eslint.
21939 [WebAPI] Made it possible to retrieve annotations for Code Duplication, Complexity and Dead Code through the Annotations API.
21637 [Elegant] Introduced 64-bit binaries built with the Elegant tool-chain (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X).
18779 [TICS CC Integration] Added the usage of the NR_OF_RETRIES configuration option to retry cov-commit-defects when it fails due to possible connection issues.
18267 [TICS CC Integration] Updated Coverity integration to support Coverity API v8.
15855 [Viewer] Added Quality Gating.
13530 [Jenkins Plugin] Implemented Quality Gating for the Jenkins plugin.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

25340 25328 25324 25322 25314 25259 25258 25250 25225 25206 25197 25185 25169 25165 25159 25149 25147 25116 25104 25070 25060 25041 25036 25018 25017 24983 24982 24980 24979 24967 24962 24954 24936 24934 24922 24901 24900 24870 24863 24860 24854 24853 24852 24850 24837 24814 24799 24798 24794 24788 24780 24762 24761 24756 24753 24718 24717 24710 24709 24707 24699 24691 24688 24680 24676 24667 24664 24656 24655 24652 24639 24637 24636 24632 24625 24613 24611 24603 24600 24598 24591 24590 24570 24567 24547 24533 24496 24384 24371 24359 24331 24073 23929 23737 23718 23686 23647 23621 23562 23549 23529 23528 23460 23447 23399 23398 22990 22906 22744 22700 22680 22638 22593 22520 22511 22480 22379 22230 22222 22188 22020 21862 21793 21773 21572 21302 21286 21179 20977 20801 20545 19446 18577 18169 18068 17779 16612 15782

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2019.4.0 – 2019-12-20

TICS 2019.4.0 Highlights

  • Violation Traces (Abstract Interpretation for Parasoft and Fortify).
  • Fortify support (Security).
  • Lua support.
  • Code Coverage for the client.
  • Support for Parasoft xTest 10.4.3.
  • Tomcat version with latest security patches.
  • TQI 4.3.
  • Dynamic ruleset support.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code Analyzer for C# support.
  • Ship with Java OpenJDK 11 Runtime Environment.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

24546 [Annotated Source] Added syntax highlighting for Lua code.
24515 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added support for IntelliJ 2019.3.
24452 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Lua Dead Code.
24451 [TICS CC Integration] Added Cyclomatic Complexity for Lua.
24450 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Lua Compiler Warnings.
24352 [TICS CC Integration] Added violation tracing support for Fortify.
24327 [Viewer] It is now possible to select group by Level, Category, or Rule when at least one violation-related metric, such as TQI Coding Standard, is selected.
24246 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for dotTest 10.4.3.
24245 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for JTest 10.4.3.
24181 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for C++Test 10.4.3.
24167 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Lua Coding Standard.
24166 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Lua Code Duplication.
24144 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Lua Fan Out.
24018 [Installer] Upgraded Tomcat to version 7.0.96.
23982 [TICSMaintenance] Least surprising implementation of removing a run from the database.
23970 [PMD] Upgraded PMD to version 6.18.0.
23831 [TICS Client] Added maximum cyclomatic complexity as a metric for the TICS client.
23735 [Installer] Shipped with Java 11 run-time.
23517 [TICS Client] Improved performance for looking up source file candidates in the project database for header files.
23447 [TICS Client] Supported code coverage for the client.
23273 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Lua.
22957 [TICSQServer] Added possibility to configure internal/external fanout split by using the property 'EXTERNALNAMESPACE'.
22556 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio Code Analyzer for C#.
22230 [TICSQServer] Added dynamic selection of rulesets dependent on compiler version.
21623 [Viewer] Implemented TQI version 4.3, which changes the TQI Code Duplication formula.
21595 [TICSQServer] Added Simulink multimodel support.
21396 [TICS CC Integration] Added Compiler Warnings for JavaScript via TypeScript compiler.
21000 [Annotated Source] Supported violation traces for Abstract Interpretation (for Parasoft C++test, dotTest, JTest and Fortify).
18068 [TICS CC Integration] Added Fortify support.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

24691 24688 24676 24667 24636 24632 24613 24611 24603 24600 24598 24591 24590 24567 24541 24489 24437 24428 24407 24398 24394 24380 24325 24320 24319 24307 24304 24298 24294 24265 24240 24227 24194 24186 24154 24147 24126 24123 24117 24111 24103 24094 24092 24083 24078 24072 24062 24053 24051 24043 24037 24034 24016 24013 24004 23998 23962 23961 23925 23921 23791 23663 23515 23479 23218 23133 23079 23044 22773 22757 22576 22573 22571 22568 21882 21841 21710 21469 21065 20979 20899 20736 20468 20181 18190 17839 8759

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2019.3.0 – 2019-09-27

This release contains the following major improvements.

23641 [GlobalViewer] Grouping by level, category, or rule is now significantly faster.
23485 [TICS CC Integration] Added a configuration option for the Python version to use for analysis.
23474 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added support for IntelliJ 2019.2.
22949 [Viewer] Added Label Rule API to make it possible to assign labels to projects, which allows administrators to organize projects in meaningful ways, for instance by organizational structure.
22473 [Addin-Visual Studio] Added plugin support for Visual Studio 2019.
21779 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Roslyn multifile-based analysis.
21065 [TICS Build Integration] Added new experimental integration for running MSBuild analysis.
20886 [TICS CC Integration] Implemented HIS metric Language Scope aka Vocabulary Frequency.
20878 [TICS CC Integration] Implemented HIS metric Number of call levels.
20877 [TICS CC Integration] Implemented HIS Metric Number of statements per function.
20876 [TICS CC Integration] Implemented HIS metric Number of function parameters.
20875 [TICS CC Integration] Implemented HIS metric Number of Called Functions.
20871 [TICS CC Integration] Implemented HIS metric Number of Execution Paths.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

24094 24083 24078 24072 24062 24051 24043 24013 24004 23998 23926 23924 23918 23917 23911 23888 23886 23875 23833 23824 23809 23739 23719 23716 23710 23709 23681 23664 23661 23645 23643 23595 23583 23574 23566 23551 23518 23493 23486 23476 23461 23459 23454 23449 23448 23432 23412 23410 23408 23402 23401 23373 23364 23357 23355 23354 23353 23352 23344 23342 23147 23081 23044 23013 22864 22820 22693 22574 22423 22333 22223 22221 22121 22118 21193 20914 20710 20468 20304 20258

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2019.2.2 – 2019-08-09

This release contains the following major improvements.

23504 [TICSQServer] Implemented extending the analysis file scope for Fan Out to automatically detect files for which Fan Out has to be recalculated.
22636 [Client] Fixed a problem where archive filtering depends on the presence of the -tmpdir flag.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

23650 23616 23560 23551 23550 23531 23530 23495 23384 22624 19039 16963

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2019.2.1 – 2019-07-12

This release contains the following major improvements.

23458 [TICSQServer] Changed Fan Out integration to report Unclassified Fan Out in case namespaces are not yet correctly configured.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

23514 23497 23494 23492 23484 23475 23473 23472 23470 23453 23433 23431 23430 23427 23426 23418 23403 23179

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2019.2.0 – 2019-06-28

TICS 2019.2.0 Highlights

  • Dart support.
  • Internal and External Fan Out.
  • Cyclomatic Complexity at the function definition level.
  • Support for Parasoft xTest 10.4.2.
  • PHP and Apache versions with latest security patches.
  • New TypeScript compiler warnings.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

23121 [Installer] Added packages for dotTest and jTest 10.4.2 to the installer.
23052 [TICS CC Integration] Made TypeScript Compiler Warnings package dependent.
22933 [Installer] Updated TICS installer for CppTest 10.4.2 (with automatic build).
22895 [TICS Build Integration] Changed Visual Studio integrations to support VS2019.
22819 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Dart Dead Code.
22818 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Dart Fan Out.
22817 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Dart Coding Standards.
22816 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Dart Compiler Warnings.
22814 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for Dart Code Coverage.
22813 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Dart Code Duplication.
22812 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Dart Cyclomatic Complexity.
22749 [Installer] Upgraded PHP and Apache versions of the coding standards viewer.
22589 [TICS Metric] Enabled reporting of cyclomatic complexity with function definition granularity.
21877 [Documentation] Improved Archive Expression Reference documentation.
21840 [TICS CC Integration] Added new TypeScript compiler warnings.
21578 [TICSQServer] Added support for Dart.
21407 [Viewer] Introduced "Apply metric per KLOC" for integer metrics to metric context menu.
21406 [Viewer] Clicking on a column header of a metric table now sorts the table.
21350 [WebTED] Added functionality to export historical project data as a ZIP file containing a JSON file per project.
21229 [TICS CC Integration] Removed legacy support for Parasoft CppTest and Jtest.
20759 [TICSQServer] Improved the way in which to specify Test Code.
20590 [Installer] Added out-of-the-box configuration for Test Code type.
20554 [JenkinsPlugin] Changed the "Publish TICS Results" post build step to show the TQI Security metric instead of TQI Dead Code, depending on the TQI version of the project.
20453 [Viewer] Made left-click/right-click functionality user friendly.
20338 [Installer] Made it possible to generate installers for alternative CDN download sites.
19716 [TICSQServer] Added a check before starting an actual analysis that requested metrics have not already been analyzed for the same date.
19233 [Viewer] Deleted directories and files, that are shown because they did exist at the chosen delta reference date, are now visually distinctive from normal directories and files.
18228 [TICS QServer] Moved Fan Out related functionality into overridable modules.
16444 [TICSQServer] Improved the default performance of include relation calculation.
15865 [TICS Metrics] Introduced the distinction between internal and external Fan Out.
11501 [TICS QServer] Moved language related functionality into overridable modules.
6523 [TICSQServer] Added option to nest DEFINES.txt files through using include statements in a DEFINES.txt file.
5941 [TICSQServer] Added check on multiple TICSQServer runs for the same project without -parallel.
4878 [TICS Client] Added an extra check for TICSc and cwc to guard against wrong "-srcfile" arguments passed to the client when analyzing a header.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

23392 23390 23387 23386 23382 23381 23378 23377 23371 23370 23369 23367 23356 23351 23350 23348 23346 23343 23341 23340 23339 23338 23337 23336 23335 23298 23284 23249 23235 23212 23193 23192 23153 23147 23130 23122 23115 23097 23093 23080 23075 23067 23065 23053 23039 23028 23026 23023 23020 23012 23010 23006 22986 22980 22978 22974 22956 22953 22952 22911 22878 22877 22875 22869 22860 22852 22851 22839 22833 22824 22820 22806 22798 22789 22777 22766 22753 22747 22733 22731 22696 22689 22651 22631 22361 22342 22293 22244 22211 22117 21992 21982 21961 21857 21767 21713 21506 21430 21342 21332 21170 21014 20890 20840 20829 20711 20530 20069 19753 19284 18823 18422 17337 16679 16435 10367 9426 3659

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 2019.1.0 – 2019-03-29

TICS 2019.1.0 Highlights

  • Added Merged Run feature.
  • Added Abstract Interpretation support for TypeScript.
  • Added support for Parasoft xtest 10.4.1.
  • Added ReSharper analyzer support for C++.
  • Added organization filter to the viewer.
  • Added duplicated code analysis to the TICS client.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Added suppression mechanism for dead code analysis.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

22632 [Installer] Added tsx to list of extensions for TypeScript.
22503 [ViolationsDashboard] Improved performance of breadcrumb on Violations Dashboard.
22284 [Installer] Fixed links to Python coding standard documentation.
22224 [TICS CC Integration] Added caching to meta-information functionality.
22164 [Viewer] Modified the TQI label to show the TQI ranking, only when a project is selected.
22078 [Viewer] Updated the viewer search with the options of "Owner" and "Project Group" and fixed existing issues.
22071 [TICS Installer] Added Coverity TypeScript support to TICS.
22028 [TICS Installer] Added support for Parasoft 10.4.1 tooling to TICS.
21943 [TqiDashboard] Added option to show the HIS Quality Indicator label instead of the TQI label.
21914 [TICSQServer] Added the possibility to configure a post analysis hook script to be called after project finalization.
21780 [TICS CC Integration] Introduced build types for TypeScript.
21745 [TICS CC Integration] Added C++ support for ReSharper.
21644 [Viewer] Added Organization filter.
21613 [Release Number] Changed TiCS version from 9.5.x to 2019.1.x.
21521 [TICS CC Integration] Logging Coverity API calls in tics.log.
21367 [TICSQServer] Enabled using the same baseline name for multiple, consecutive runs.
21257 [TICS CC Integration] Added meta-information support to TICS.
20993 [TICS CC Integration] Tools that require Java now check for the required version.
20805 [Viewer] Removed "Show/Hide" button in the TQI calculator. Always showing the calculator from now on.
20588 [Viewer] Updated the search functionality of the viewer to find & show all code types (Production, Test, External).
20582 [TICS Client] Enabled Duplicated Code analysis for the TICS client.
20566 [Viewer] Added row highlighting in TQI label, when hovering.
19966 [TICS CC Integration] Added caching functionality so that tools do not have to be run multiple times for different metrics on the same file.
19360 [TICS TC Integration] Adjusted TICS to perform merging of annotations instead of leaving it to the module for a specific code coverage tool.
18886 [Viewer] Added Buildable Files Ratio metric.
18811 [TICSQServer] Improved performance of calculating include relations.
18374 [TICS] Improved logic for Coverity installation location determination.
17929 [TICSQServer] Added storing of checker versions in the database.
17736 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for TICS Suppression for Cppcheck deadcode analysis.
11280 [TICSQServer] Made it possible to configure multiple rulesets for distinct compiler types without being unfairly rewarded when only using one compiler type.
10776 [Viewer] Added Merged Run feature.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

22789 22788 22779 22769 22766 22755 22754 22750 22748 22745 22743 22742 22716 22712 22710 22695 22684 22663 22659 22655 22650 22639 22637 22634 22620 22618 22595 22590 22577 22572 22567 22550 22546 22534 22518 22505 22488 22487 22484 22482 22475 22449 22399 22398 22388 22360 22350 22326 22307 22291 22273 22268 22266 22259 22251 22243 22219 22217 22213 22196 22190 22178 22175 22165 22133 22132 22130 22109 22084 22051 21927 21911 21750 21504 21477 21421 21255 21189 21025 20935 20923 20893 20781 20533 18914 16930 16749 12510 10150

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 9.4.0 – 2018-12-20

TICS 9.4.0 Highlights

  • Added Rider support to IntelliJ plugin.
  • Added TQI Award position to the TQI label.
  • Kotlin support.
  • Support for customer specific metrics.
  • Improved Simulink support.
  • Violations Dashboard.
  • Showing benchmark data as a metric in the viewer.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

21897 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added support for IntelliJ 2018.3.
21559 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added Rider support to IntelliJ plugin.
21543 [Configuration] Added new Coding Standard rules for JavaScript.
21336 [TICS CC Integration] Added TICS support for Scala with Coverity.
21188 [Viewer] Added TQI Award League position to the TQI label, and showing a trophy for projects that are in the top 3 of their league.
21088 [TICS Build Integration] Implemented Dead Code for Kotlin.
21087 [TICSQServer] Added Fan Out for Kotlin.
21085 [TICS CC Integration] Added Coding Standard support for Kotlin.
21084 [TICSpp] Added support for Kotlin McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity.
21083 [TICS CC Integration] Implemented Kotlin Compiler Warnings integration.
21082 [TICS TC Integration] Added Code Coverage support for Kotlin.
21047 [Installer] Upgraded out-of-the-box Cppcheck version to 1.84.
20879 [TICSQServer] Implemented HIS metric Number of Return Points.
20873 [TICSQServer] Added HIS metric Average Cyclomatic Complexity.
20872 [TICS CC Integration] Implemented HIS metric Number of Goto statements.
20870 [TICSQServer] Implemented HIS metric Comment Density.
20855 [TICSQServer] Added TICS support for Simulink annotated source.
20794 [TICS Client] Made it possible to run on an arbitrary inputfile when specified explicitly.
20436 [Viewer] Added Violations Dashboard, which gives an overview of all violations for a project or directory, and allows you to sort violations in order of impact on the TQI.
19856 [Viewer] Now sending status mail using HTTPS instead of HTTP by default.
15595 [Viewer] Showing benchmark data as a metric in the viewer.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

22058 22039 22037 22022 22017 22016 22008 21988 21986 21985 21984 21975 21973 21968 21964 21963 21916 21915 21906 21891 21890 21880 21868 21864 21828 21818 21789 21774 21755 21738 21712 21701 21694 21680 21675 21666 21664 21660 21656 21650 21649 21631 21624 21609 21608 21607 21600 21585 21554 21542 21516 21497 21480 21420 21382 21379 21409 21364 21310 21285 21234 21232 21201 21192 20892 20856 20830 20767 20644 20627 20601 20439 20271 20117 19999 18772 18120 16313 13822 13653

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 9.3.0 – 2018-09-28

TICS 9.3.0 Highlights

  • Improved IntelliJ (plugin) integration.
  • Improved Annotated Source Diff Viewer.
  • Analyzer improvements: ReSharper CLT Coding Standards, Abstract Interpretation for Python, C++test 10.4.0, ESLint 5.5.0, dotTEST 10.4.0.
  • SCM integration: added support for Team Foundation Server.
  • Code Coverage: added support for Tessy Code Coverage tool.
  • Code Coverage: added support for ReportGenerator for dotCover.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

21454 [TICS Client] Added -branchname option for TICS client.
21363 [Addin-IntelliJ] IntelliJ plugin now saves files before running analysis.
21327 [Installer] Updated out-of-the-box installation to C++test 10.4.0.
21320 [TICS Installer] Adjusted SERVER.txt and PROJECTS.txt in default configuration to support common use cases more easily.
21254 [Installer] Updated out-of-the-box supported ESLint version to 5.5.0.
21178 [Addin-IntelliJ] Updated supported IntelliJ up to version 2018.2.
21171 [AnnotatedSource] When opening the Annotated Source, the Diff View checkbox is now unchecked by default, unless only delta metrics are selected, and the checkbox is disabled (i.e. cannot be checked) when source code retrieval is not configured.
21141 [TICSQServer] Added support for Tessy Code Coverage tool.
21078 [AnnotatedSource] The full file path is now shown in the navigation bar, rather than just the filename.
21068 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for CppTest 10.4.0 to TICS.
21001 [Viewer] No longer showing the yellow help balloons automatically.
20924 [Installer] Added dotTEST 10.4 to out-of-the-box checker installation.
20867 [TICS CC Integration] Improved analysis speed for Parasoft xTest checkers.
20851 [Installer] The installer now installs or upgrades to Tomcat 7.0.90, which fixes several vulnerabilities with respect to the previously version that we shipped (7.0.77).
20830 [TICS Build Integration] Added support for Swift compiler invocations on multiple files.
20628 [WebTED] Added benchmarking facilities.
20612 [Viewer] Pop-up window for Annotated Source is no longer blocked by the browser.
20587 [Coding Rules] Added Coverity Python support.
20581 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for ReSharper checker.
20382 [TICS SCM Integration] Added support for TF VC (Team Foundation Version Control).
19625 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for ReportGenerator XML reports for dotCover.
19593 [TICSMaintenance] Implemented the ability to really remove a project by also removing the corresponding database.
19501 [GlobalViewer] Added option to hide items such as projects and branches.
17823 [Viewer] Added possibility to rearrange filters in breadcrumb using drag & drop.
13586 [TICS Client] Added the ability to check out a deeper subtree of the archive.
12027 [TICS Core] Made it possible to configure a central 'chk' directory.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

21560 21554 21524 21523 21502 21475 21474 21466 21452 21445 21444 21442 21438 21436 21428 21418 21392 21381 21366 21335 21334 21312 21308 21262 21253 21252 21248 21244 21223 21214 21204 21202 21180 21175 21116 21104 21098 21094 21093 21080 21062 21015 20998 20991 20978 20945 20814 20808 20783 20778 20752 20702 20674 20657 20642 20622 20598 20417 20284 20279 20244 20136 18831 17830 14581 13458 12533 6230

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 9.2.0 – 2018-06-29

TICS 9.2.0 Highlights

  • Side-by-side diff view.
  • Nice viewer configuration via Administration Pages.
  • User-configurable metric presets.
  • Firewall functionality in the viewer.
  • Added support for .NET Core projects.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

20604 [TICS Client] Stored the input file list in the tmpdir.
20496 [Configuration] Commented out TypeScript rule sets in the default configuration.
20296 [Explorer] Added a checkbox to the metric picker that controls whether a delta metric should be added when selecting a metric.
20100 [TICS Build Integration] Improved Gradle build integration.
20047 [AdministrationPages] The Default View is now configurable per project in the Administration Pages.
19982 [TICSQServer] Added sanity check on the number of buildable files.
19800 [TICS TC Integration] Added tcov support for TICS.
19689 [Viewer] Added Project Age filter that hides 'stale' projects by default, which are projects that did not have any runs for a set number of days.
19106 [Viewer] Added Firewall functionality that allows you to deny specific IP addresses from accessing specific parts of the viewer, for instance, the Annotated Source.
18723 [AdministrationPages] Added Build Configuration Defaults settings.
18627 [AnnotatedSource] Made it possible to open a side-by-side diff view.
18598 [Explorer] Users can now create their own metric presets.
14925 [TICS Client] Made preprocessor comment preservation configurable per language.
14463 [TICS Client] Added possibility to add a custom GetCleanCompilerOptions module to compiler modules to override the default GetCleanCompilerOptions functionality.
13433 [TICSQServer] Enabled specifying a custom way to obtain organizational view configuration files.
12690 [TICSQServer] Added LANGUAGE subproperty to ALARMTARGETS to be able to set language specific ALARMTARGETS.
12533 [TICS Client] Added possibility to hook custom code into core TICSBuild::GetMakeFile algorithm.
12515 [TICSQServer] Removed creation of the database directory.
12512 [TICSQServer] Added the -archivefile <file> option to specify a different location of the archive file for the archive extraction.
12510 [TICS Client] Added the possibility to run on files that belong to different TICS projects.
12508 [TICS client] Changed 'ALARMTARGETS' property into 'BLOCKINGTARGETS' property.
12506 [TICS Client] Added an option to the TICS configuration to suppress messages about SCM IDs.
12496 [TICS Client] Prevented retrying the makefile provided via -projfile when looking-up the makefile from the database.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

20862 20834 20804 20800 20709 20700 20695 20682 20654 20651 20646 20643 20640 20637 20626 20623 20619 20572 20561 20560 20559 20556 20552 20522 20510 20494 20484 20477 20474 20469 20457 20455 20437 20416 20392 20368 20367 20336 20321 20320 20288 20267 20234 20233 20140 20136 20122 20093 19792 19636 19620 18591 18590 18177 17739 15927 14918 14617 7138

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 9.1.0 – 2018-04-11

TICS 9.1.0 Highlights

  • Show Test code and Production code in the viewer (separately or combined).
  • Introduced Global Company Viewer.
  • Provided TFS plugin.
  • Ability to configure multiple code coverage tools.
  • Ability to use Security or Dead Code as TQI sub-metric.
  • Better license mechanism.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

20423 [TICS TC Integration] Improved performance of processing MSBuild Code Coverage result files.
20375 [TICS CC Integration] Improved performance of processing dotTEST analysis result files.
20340 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for CLang compiler to C++test.
20308 [TICS TC Integration] Changed MATLAB code coverage integration to use supplied "runnable lines".
20300 [TICS TC Integration] Changed MATLAB code coverage integration so that all MATLAB files in the TICS scope are considered to have result data.
20170 [TICSQServer] Added scheme to link to SEI CERT secure coding rules.
20166 [TICS] Improved Simulink integration.
20125 [TICS Build Integration] Added the possibility to analyze C# Visual Studio projects by running MSBuild in the user workspace.
20102 [TICSQServer] Added support for Chutzpah Code Coverage tool.
20074 [TICS TC Integration] Added annotation merging to dotCover integration.
20063 [TICSQServer] Added support for non-security TQI in TICS 9.0.
20005 [Addin-TFS] Created a TICS plugin for Team Foundation Server.
19991 [TICS TC Integration] Improved performance of generating Code Coverage annotations.
19691 [SqaReport] Now adding the time to the Date headers in the tables of the SQA report, when the last run and delta run occur on the same day.
19690 [Chart] Added automatic zoom functionality to the trend diagram.
19604 [TICSQServer] Keyed the TICS license to the customer.
19487 [TICS Build Integration] Added support for the Ninja build system.
19338 [TICS CC Integration] Changed analyzer modules to no longer use dynamic rule configuration.
18661 [Viewer] Made it possible for the viewer to act as a "local viewer" that sends its data to a "global viewer".
18501 [TICSQServer] Added possibility to analyze "test" code separately from "production" code.
16824 [TICSQServer] Added functionality for configuration of multiple code coverage tools.
13663 [TICS CC Integration] Changed Coverity integration to fail when analyzing source files in which Coverity indicates that the analysis is unreliable.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

20563 20525 20524 20523 20516 20511 20509 20508 20507 20476 20471 20467 20450 20449 20444 20441 20416 20410 20406 20384 20361 20358 20357 20354 20353 20352 20343 20319 20317 20315 20292 20289 20278 20275 20274 20253 20250 20249 20248 20247 20246 20243 20241 20239 20238 20236 20235 20232 20229 20228 20221 20218 20215 20202 20201 20200 20199 20197 20189 20188 20186 20182 20164 20160 20159 20145 20144 20143 20132 20130 20126 20109 20096 20090 20086 20078 20068 20065 20057 20056 20050 20039 20025 20000 19969 19955 19938 19937 19930 19918 19916 19905 19904 19890 19887 19811 19765 19760 19713 19623 19596 19529 18697 18355 18109 18075 17602 16860 16608 16313 14732 6718

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 9.0.0 – 2018-01-16

TICS 9.0.0 Highlights

  • TQI Security.
  • From data to information: Root Cause Analysis in the viewer.
  • MathWorks Simulink support.
  • JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA integration.
  • JetBrains dotCover code coverage integration.
  • Swift abstract interpretation.
  • MATLAB code coverage.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

19885 [TICSQServer] Added option to change the branch directory when running a project.
19808 [Installer] Added Visual Studio C/C++ Compiler Warning rule configuration to out-of-the-box installation.
19778 [Installer] Removed TICS Basic specific code from installer.
19760 [TICS Build Integration] Added guard to only remove xmlns tags from preprocessed csproj files if there are more than 1.
19665 [TICS CC Integration] Hardcoded GCC compiler warning flags for C/C++ Compiler Warnings.
19592 [TICSMaintenance] Fixed cloning of databases.
19534 [TICS Build Integration] Changed method of extracting files from csproj-files to conform to the update of VS 2017 (15.2) for .Net Core.
19514 [WebTED] Fixed error "L3ReadingDal attempts to access the inner Dal, which is not supported".
19469 [TICSQServer] Allowed timestamps for -today option.
19460 [TICSQServer] Added -parallel option to indicate concurrent metric runs.
19417 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Dead Code metric for Simulink.
19378 [TICS CC Integration] Fixed problem with spaces in file paths in Polyspace result files.
19351 [Installer] Changed the order of showing the release notes and migration guide so the release notes are opened last (getting the focus).
19331 [TICS CC Integration] Changed unavailability of Coverity Connect to be non-fatal for TICS analysis.
19274 [Explorer] Added option to show only the metric table in the Explorer, useful for embedding in a custom dashboard.
19249 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for dotCover.
19230 [Explorer] Made it possible to select multiple directories in the path tree by holding control, to enable you to compare and aggregate arbitrary directories in the metric table.
19220 [TICS CC Integration] Enabled Abstract Interpretation for Swift with Coverity.
19137 [TICS Installer] Added our customized version of scan-build to the components directory.
19131 [TICSQServer] Added an extra warning in case that no source files can be found.
19125 [TICS CC Integration] Adjusted ScanBuild integration to work under Windows.
19104 [AnnotatedSource] Added blue badges indicating for which build target(s) a CS/CW/AI violation holds.
18898 [TICSQServer] Added support for Fan Out for Simulink.
18897 [TICSQServer] Code Duplication analysis implemented and tested for Simulink.
18896 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Coding Standards for Simulink.
18895 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Compiler Warning metric for Simulink when TargetLink is used as compiler.
18894 [TICSQServer] Added support for Cyclomatic Complexity for Simulink.
18893 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Abstract Interpretation metric for Simulink.
18892 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for Code Coverage for Simulink.
18891 [TICSQServer] Implemented number of blocks/operations as LOC for a subsystem block file in Simulink.
18790 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for tslint rules that use type information.
18753 [BuildConfig] Added Archive Editor dialog that can be used to edit and evaluate the archive expressions file.
18012 [Viewer] Added viewer-wide option to disable the listing of unauthorized projects.
17549 [TICSQServer] Added metric type Security.
16676 [TICSQServer] Added an option specifying whether a given project is using the global archive file.
16304 [Addin-IntelliJ] Added TICS IntelliJ plugin.
13768 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for Code Coverage for MATLAB.
12365 [Viewer] Added Root Cause Analysis feature, accessible by clicking a point in the trend on the dashboard, or by clicking a delta metric value in a metric table.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

20060 20038 20026 20016 20001 19996 19987 19981 19975 19971 19956 19954 19941 19936 19931 19902 19884 19882 19873 19871 19870 19868 19867 19862 19857 19855 19853 19848 19845 19844 19842 19837 19831 19830 19826 19813 19798 19795 19794 19786 19785 19784 19781 19780 19777 19766 19765 19764 19756 19745 19744 19739 19737 19732 19722 19721 19719 19709 19699 19696 19679 19678 19677 19675 19672 19669 19662 19659 19653 19647 19645 19644 19643 19642 19641 19621 19616 19615 19611 19610 19601 19582 19576 19575 19573 19559 19551 19548 19541 19540 19538 19530 19512 19503 19495 19490 19488 19486 19481 19480 19475 19465 19454 19444 19438 19434 19427 19421 19404 19402 19400 19396 19392 19381 19380 19376 19374 19350 19347 19324 19321 19320 19318 19309 19306 19305 19304 19303 19285 19281 19280 19265 19261 19247 19245 19235 19218 19204 19177 19175 19159 19103 19062 19061 19031 19030 18924 18918 18912 18910 18909 18904 18903 18818 18718 18578 18442 18427 18303 17526 17163 16775 16583 13663

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.8.1 – 2017-09-22

This release contains the following major improvements.

19427 [TICSQServer] Fixed Abstract Interpretation analysis with Parasoft tooling.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

19374 19347 19324 19274 19030

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.8.0 – 2017-08-31

This release contains the following major improvements.

19260 [TICSQServer] Code generated by Swagger is now excluded from analysis in the default configuration.
19107 [Administration] Made it possible to set the redaction level of phone-home emails to High to exclude information that might be considered sensitive by some customers.
18953 [Installer] Added exclusion of .config.js files to the out-of-the-box configuration.
18873 [TICS Client] Changed detection of new violations to treat occurrences of the same rule on a changed line as 0 (zero) delta instead of -1/+1.
18840 [BuildConfig] Made it possible to set the default-to-show branch in the project configuration panel.
18804 [Documentation] Added information to the Measure API documentation about getting metric data for project groups.
18740 [TICS CC Integration] Added TypeScript compiler warning support.
18722 [TICS CC Integration] Fixed assertion failure in pylint analyzer when RULESPATH contains special characters.
18652 [TICS Build Integration] Added non-optimizing build setting to XCode.
18633 [TICSQServer] Changed alert mails to only contain statements about measured metrics.
18570 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for utPLSQL as code coverage tool, when using ut_coverage_sonar_reporter.
18566 [Viewer] Added unbuildable files metric.
18408 [Addin-Visual Studio] Added support for Visual Studio 2017 C++ projects.
18407 [Addin-Visual Studio] Added support for Visual Studio 2017 C# projects.
18279 [Status] Improved grouping of error messages.
17413 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for out-of-the-box C/C++ Abstract Interpretation with Clang.
16769 [JenkinsPlugin] Made it possible to use $JOB_NAME variable in the "TICS Path" setting of the "Publish TICS results" post-build action.
16231 [Viewer] Added search box to Dashboard and Explorer pages.
14843 [Security] Introduced TICSBuildConfig Security administration page.
13290 [TICS Build Integration] Added functionality for MSBuild integration to check which configuration is built and use that one for analysis.
12490 [TICS Client] Reduced the circumstances in which the file server configuration is validated.
10578 [Installer] Updated installer to install Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.6 for the Coding Standard Viewer.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

19286 19268 19254 19253 19248 19243 19239 19237 19236 19232 19229 19224 19222 19219 19217 19209 19205 19201 19192 19186 19185 19184 19182 19163 19156 19142 19128 19122 19121 19120 19111 19100 19097 19096 19095 19094 19093 19090 19087 19082 19075 19070 19066 19057 19049 19038 19035 19029 19024 19010 19000 18995 18991 18990 18977 18974 18972 18971 18970 18969 18968 18967 18965 18952 18951 18947 18946 18944 18943 18941 18928 18922 18920 18917 18916 18911 18906 18904 18890 18889 18878 18877 18872 18868 18863 18858 18853 18849 18845 18837 18834 18828 18827 18826 18825 18824 18822 18783 18778 18774 18759 18727 18639 18630 18621 18610 18560 18468 18406 18328 17787 17673 17650 17591 15778 15702 15549 15353 15345 14517 14270 14168 14102 14101 14069 14009 14007 13948 13894 13802 13793 13582 13446 13286 13281

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.7.0 – 2017-06-06

This release contains the following major improvements.

18732 [TICS CC Integration] Made sure govet also works on Linux.
18728 [TICS CC Integration] Flake 8 integration now works on Linux.
18717 [TICSQServer] Allowed specifying zip files for code coverage results.
18674 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for LLVM 8.3 Code Coverage support.
18576 [Installer] Updated default (out-of-the-box) C++test version to 10.3.1.
18520 [TICS Build Integration] Added TICSBuildCSProjMSBuild custom module to be able to get the compiler flags for C# files using MSBuild.
18311 [TICS Core] Added multiple compiler support.
17671 [TICSQServer] C# compiler for compiler warning metric only called once per csproj file.
17629 [TICS CC Integration] Improved Pylint analyzer module to prepare for integration into standard TICS distribution.
14612 [Viewer] Added a "Remember me" checkbox to the Authentication dialog that allows you to stay logged in for a month, rather than automatically logging out after closing the browser.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

18810 18796 18793 18792 18791 18786 18778 18773 18766 18765 18764 18755 18742 18741 18738 18734 18731 18729 18719 18715 18714 18709 18708 18707 18695 18694 18691 18690 18687 18686 18684 18681 18680 18672 18671 18666 18658 18651 18650 18647 18644 18643 18641 18638 18634 18632 18625 18624 18622 18620 18619 18609 18607 18606 18605 18597 18585 18574 18568 18567 18559 18539 18535 18499 18414 18402 18390 18360 17866 17625 17615 17363 17215 16789 16675 15412 13913

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.6.1 – 2017-05-04

This release contains the following major improvements.

18607 [Installer] Ensured that existing sections are preserved by copying TIOBEPortal.cfg and all WARs from Tomcat 6 to Tomcat 7 webapps folder.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

18634 18632 18622 18620

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.6.0 – 2017-04-21

TICS 8.6.0 Highlights

  • Management Dashboard.
  • Arbitrary project hierarchy.
  • MathWorks Polyspace support.
  • Improved Eclipse integration.
  • Support of metric codingstandard for Go.
  • Support of external source files.
  • Experimental support for Visual Studio C++ projects via msbuild.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

18409 [ManagementDashboard] Added the Management Dashboard.
18367 [TICS CC Integration] Updated CppTest to be able to handle hybrid compilers.
18335 [Installer] Updated wkhtmltopdf to latest stable version 0.12.4.
18334 [Installer] Upgraded to Tomcat 7.
18238 [Viewer] Added the ability to create a hierarchy of project groups.
18235 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Polyspace Code Prover.
17921 [Addin-Eclipse] Added filter icon to indicate whether any filters are applied.
17919 [Addin-Eclipse] Category now appears before rule ID in filter dialog.
17917 [Addin-Eclipse] Added TICS view to Eclipse plugin.
17863 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for GO coding standards measured with GO lint and GO vet.
17792 [TICSQServer] Added support for Dottest 10.
17777 [TICS Documentation] Made it possible to check header files with 'external' source files (source files that are not part of the TICS scope).
17725 [TICSQServer] Implemented conditional content filtering.
14641 [TICS Documentation] Added documentation on all metrics.
10961 [TICS Client] Added a custom build module to use MSBuild to pre-process vcxproj files and generate compiler options.
6000 [TICS Database] Implemented rule property versioning.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

18541 18540 18539 18535 18524 18523 18510 18508 18495 18488 18487 18478 18472 18467 18465 18450 18441 18440 18424 18417 18415 18395 18389 18370 18368 18352 18326 18315 18313 18296 18294 18293 18283 18272 18270 18269 18266 18265 18257 18251 18239 18216 18146 17930 17784 17655 17527 16675 15308 15165 14380 14279 10352 7588

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.5.0 – 2017-02-09

TICS 8.5.0 Highlights

  • Support of metrics for Go.
  • Better support of C++11 features with C++test 10.
  • Time machine functionality in the viewer.
  • Support of internal versus external duplicated code.
  • Support of multiple targets.
  • Creating a new project by copying a baseline from an existing project.
  • … Many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

18096 [TICSQServer] Added support for Microsoft Code Coverage output.
18092 [Installer] Updated C++test to version 10.3.0 (C++11 features support).
18071 [TICS Database] Increased the maximum length of violation messages.
18010 [Explorer] Added "Health" metric preset to quickly inspect metric coverages for TQI metric and its components.
17865 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for Go code coverage measured with 'gocov-xml'.
17862 [TICS CC Integration] Added duplicated code support for Go.
17860 [TICS Builtin Metric] Added support for Go Fan Out.
17828 [Viewer] Added the ability to change the "current date" in the viewer ("time machine" functionality).
17815 [Installer] Added out-of-the-box support for Go.
17782 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for OpenCppCoverage code coverage.
17768 [TICS CC Integration] Do not calculate compiler options for Dottest and Roslyn analysis.
16933 [Viewer] Added ability to include only file-internal and scope-internal duplications for Duplicated Code metric (both % and LOC), as well as for the annotated source.
16920 [Viewer] Added the ability to change the "current date" in the viewer ("time machine" functionality).
16718 [TICSQServer] Improved message of error 5023 to describe measures to circumvent triggering the archive sanity check.
16683 [WebAPI] Added a new Annotations API that allows you to fetch violation annotations (CS/CW/AI) for a project or subsystem, optionally filtered by level, category, etc.
15899 [TICSMaintenance] Added functionality to clone an existing project based on the project name, branch name, branch directory and a timestamp.
14799 [CS Viewer] Added release dates of revisions in the Change History.
14087 [TICS Client] Improved TICS output in case rule violations are hidden due to TICSConfig rule settings.
14076 [TICS Core] Added support for multiple matches against DEFINES.txt.
12939 [AnnotatedSource] Added support for (integrated) Code Coverage annotations, in addition to the external result files that were already supported.
12522 [TICS Client] Added multiple target support.
10944 [Annotated Source] Added syntax highlighting for Python.
9658 [TICSBuildConfig] Added clone database option when creating a new project.
9265 [TICS Client] Added LOC and ELOC calculation to the client.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

18269 18258 18255 18232 18229 18225 18217 18205 18201 18199 18195 18192 18183 18180 18165 18162 18161 18145 18142 18138 18136 18132 18129 18127 18125 18124 18123 18122 18118 18115 18110 18104 18103 18098 18095 18094 18091 18082 18074 18067 18066 18063 18060 18054 18053 18052 18043 18042 18041 18029 18014 18011 18005 18004 17999 17998 17995 17982 17975 17968 17961 17955 17953 17952 17950 17949 17948 17945 17940 17937 17936 17934 17916 17901 17900 17899 17896 17895 17893 17892 17880 17879 17876 17874 17873 17872 17869 17868 17848 17845 17842 17836 17835 17833 17826 17825 17824 17822 17811 17805 17799 17780 17778 17764 17760 17753 17743 17655 17630 17621 17552 17522 17417 17398 17000 16962 16950 16780 16227 15690 15314 15309 15046 14942 14524 13908 13190 12492 12186 12168 10987 10199 9741 7843 7503 4448

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.4.1 – 2016-12-15

This release contains the following major improvements.

18014 [AnnotatedSource] Fixed uncommon NullPointerException when the Code Duplication metric was selected.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

18043 18041 18029 18005 17999 17995 17982 17968 17955 17940 17937 17901 17900 17893 17873 17872 17848 17845 17826 16780 12492 10987 10199

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.4.0 – 2016-11-04

This release contains the following major improvements.

17704 [Installer] Enabled Fan Out for TypeScript in out-of-the-box SERVER.txt.
17654 [Viewer] Added TQI values to TED status mails.
17641 [Installer] Enabled Angular Coding Standard analysis support out-of-the-box.
17600 [TICSQServer] Changed code coverage calculation to exclude header files from scope.
17558 [TICS] Added Swift analyzer to list of built-in tools.
17551 [Viewer] Replaced spike management by new error suppression mechanism, which takes for each failing file measurement, the previously successful measurement, if any.
17247 [TICS] Added support for Xamarin.
17226 [TICSQServer] Increased performance of Parasoft AI analysis.
17221 [TICS SCM Integration] Fixed calculation of Change Rate for ClearCase SCM tool.
16802 [AnnotatedSource] Replaced Since column by the easier to understand New column, which indicates whether the violation is new with respect to the reference date.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

17842 17836 17835 17825 17811 17803 17799 17786 17774 17771 17766 17765 17755 17753 17741 17720 17701 17690 17684 17683 17681 17680 17676 17666 17661 17656 17653 17647 17640 17638 17636 17634 17631 17618 17617 17607 17606 17605 17586 17562 17559 17556 17554 17553 17537 17518 17515 17506 17504 17502 17474 17446 17431 17427 17401 17389 17265 17231 17183 17005 17001 16905 16137 15571 15343 14993 14238 13786 13590 13256 12136 11950 11367

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.3.0 – 2016-08-10

TICS 8.3.0 introduces support for Swift metrics, the JSP language, and C# 6, as well as many other improvements.

This release contains the following major improvements.

17293 [Documentation] Added TICSMaintenance reference manual section to the TICS documentation.
16483 [TICS Core] Added support for JSP language.
16464 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Swift coding standard violations.
16462 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for Swift compiler warnings.
16461 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for Swift code coverage.
15992 [Installer] Introduced Roslyn C# analyzer.
3605 [Documentation] Added recipes for disabling, hiding and removing branches to the TICSMaintenance Common Tasks.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

17477 17460 17458 17457 17452 17443 17430 17423 17415 17409 17408 17406 17391 17385 17380 17378 17377 17373 17372 17369 17359 17357 17348 17339 17320 17312 17310 17309 17306 17291 17288 17280 17279 17272 17271 17266 17263 17259 17255 17248 17237 17225 17219 17217 17216 17206 17203 17201 17199 17196 17193 17188 17174 17171 17170 17166 17165 17158 17146 17144 17138 17137 17038 17035 17023 16964 16937 16798 16519 16361 16260 15981 15860 15688 15336 14379 14209 13363 13310 9965 4350

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.2.3 – 2016-08-03

This release contains the following major improvements.

17309 [TIOBEPortal] Now forwarding calls from deprecated TIOBEPortal/TICSStatus page to new tiobeweb/Status.html page.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

17477 17460 17458 17452 17443 17430 17423 17415 17409 17408 17406 17380 17373 17372 17369 17359 17357 17339 17320 17310 17288 17280 17279 17272 17271 17266 17263 17259 17225 17137 16260 13310 4350

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.2.2 – 2016-06-16

This release contains the following major improvements.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

17255 17248 17219 17203

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.2.1 – 2016-06-13

This release contains the following major improvements.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

17237 17216 17206 17201 17199 17196 17188 17171 17166 17165 17158 17038 16964

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.2.0 – 2016-05-31

This release contains the following major improvements.

17017 [TICS SCM Integration] Changed get "predecessor" functionality for Subversion to take predecessors from merges (of another branch) into account.
17004 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for coverage.py v4.1b2.
16884 [BuildConfig] Turned off -nologo on BuildServer TICSMaintenance calls for extended logs.
16864 [AnnotatedSource] Added sortable "Value" column for complexity and fan out metrics.
16849 [Viewer] Added functionality to send mail through authenticated proxy server.
16834 [TICS Client] Disabled SCM cache by default.
16096 [TICS Client] Added limit on the search depth for makefiles (relative to the source file).
12876 [Viewer] Added the ability to set a Time Window filter in the breadcrumb, allowing you to only show files that have changed since a specified baseline or date.
12687 [TICSQServer] Added coverage drop threshold check for metric calculation steps.
12257 [Viewer] All TQI metrics are now multiplied by their "metric coverage": the percentage of successfully analyzed LOC. As a result, the coverage factor has been removed from the three compliance factor metrics.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

17135 17133 17044 17041 17039 17036 17029 17019 17011 16999 16995 16983 16968 16966 16961 16953 16951 16947 16945 16941 16932 16928 16912 16910 16908 16906 16904 16899 16892 16885 16878 16876 16846 16843 16838 16833 16831 16829 16823 16808 16807 16782 16776 16760 16735 16221 14217 13195

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.1.0 – 2016-04-15

This release contains the following major improvements.

16773 [TICS Core] Enabled Fan Out metric calculation for TICS Client.
15458 [Explorer] You can now change the reference date that is used for delta metrics from the metric table header's context menu.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

16795 16794 16791 16784 16781 16779 16770 16759 16757 16756 16753 16747 16736 16726 16643 16606 16480 16355 16276

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.

TICS 8.0.0 – 2016-03-22

TICS 8.0.0 addresses over 130 issues. The most prominent and noticeable change is the new detailed view: the so-called explorer.

This release contains the following major improvements.

16705 [TICS CC Integration] Added support for eslint.
16466 [TICSQServer] Added support for Fan Out metric for Swift.
16465 [TICS CC Integration] Added duplicated code support for Swift.
16463 [Installer] Set TICSpp as the OOTB cyclomatic complexity tool.
16460 [TICSQServer] Added support for the Swift programming language.
16369 [TICS TC Integration] Added support for Xcode-7 LLVM code coverage.
16288 [Dashboard] When authentication is required for all projects in scope, we no longer mention all these projects, unless the message pertains to a single project.
16215 [TICS CC Integration] Added link to Coverity Viewer to annotated source.
15697 [JenkinsPlugin] Link to the viewer in the TQI statement now points to TqiDashboard.html rather than obsolete TIOBEPortal.
15368 [TICS CC Integration] Added support to run a Coverity analysis automatically.
14224 [Installer] Added default ruleset for C# compiler warnings to the out-of-the-box configuration.
11152 [Viewer] Implemented support for measurements with status "not applicable". A metric value consisting only of non-applicable measurements is rendered as "n/a". The treemap renders non-applicable values as a desaturated green for the TQI color map and a desaturated blue for blue/orange map.
10699 [Explorer] Introduced new viewer. Shows metrics in columns. Lots of new functionality, faster and more resource efficient.

This release contains the following minor improvements.

16742 16739 16734 16709 16708 16702 16701 16694 16692 16691 16672 16667 16660 16657 16655 16654 16651 16649 16647 16646 16640 16637 16618 16607 16604 16601 16599 16592 16590 16585 16581 16580 16575 16574 16552 16549 16548 16547 16545 16543 16536 16520 16478 16477 16475 16474 16473 16469 16467 16458 16457 16456 16455 16454 16453 16452 16451 16449 16446 16445 16441 16440 16438 16432 16427 16425 16421 16417 16407 16397 16392 16390 16388 16374 16372 16370 16360 16359 16358 16349 16344 16341 16339 16337 16334 16332 16324 16317 16316 16314 16311 16249 16248 16247 16244 16243 16230 16221 16177 16175 16146 16134 16118 16108 15903 15897 15882 15685 15539 15177 14490 12931 11944 10407 9749 4910

This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.